Cosmetic Dentistry is for patients wanting to make a positive change to their smiles while maintaining or improving their oral health, oral function, and appearance of their smile. With modern dental techniques, materials, and a specially trained, skilled dentist, Cosmetic Dentistry not only addresses the aesthetics of a patient’s front teeth but also the function of their back teeth and a patient’s overall oral health. Cosmetic Dentistry relies on the skill of the dentist providing the services which is why it is important to choose a dentist who has had extensive training and education beyond dental school. Dr. Starr (link to bio) is a Surgical and Restorative Dental Implant Specialist, with the skills needed to provide his patients not only with the smile of their dreams but can also address any oral dysfunction.
Cosmetic Dentistry is for patients suffering from:
- crooked teeth
- gaps between teeth
- misshapen teeth
- damaged teeth
- discolored teeth
- missing teeth
- receding gums
- cavities
Not all Cosmetic Dentists are trained equally and they do not all have the same skills. Cosmetic Dentistry relies on the skill of the dentist providing the services which is why it is important to choose a dentist who has extensive training and education beyond dental school. Patients looking for Cosmetic Dentistry need to be asking:
What advanced training has the cosmetic dentist earned post dental school? What specialized certifications does the dentist hold? What qualifies them to perform all the specialized surgical and restorative procedures needed in Cosmetic Dentistry?
Our patients can rest assured, Dr. Starr (link to bio) is one of very few Oregon Dentists who have earned the highest certifications in surgical and restorative oral implantology. As a Diplomate of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) and a Honored Fellow of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry (ABOI), Dr. Starr (link to bio) is a Clinical Site Supervisor/Director for the only national Comprehensive Oral Implantology Program in the United States. He is also the Co-Director of the Oregon Implant Continuum, where he has been and continues to teach Oregon dentists advanced skills in comprehensive surgical and restorative oral implantology. Dr. Starr (link to bio) is one of very few Surgical and Restorative Dental Implant Specialists in the state of Oregon. He has the skills needed to provide his patients not only with the smile of their dreams but simultaneously address any oral health dysfunction.
Cosmetic Dentistry includes the following procedures:
dental implants
teeth bonding
periodontal plastic surgery
porcelain crowns
porcelain fixed bridge
porcelain veneers
repairing chipped teeth
teeth whitening
tooth-colored fillings