Sedation dentistry helps you relax and feel at ease during dental procedures. It is a moderate level of sedation, creating a very carefree attitude. Sometimes called “conscious sedation” or “twilight sleep,” it begins a state of short-term amnesia (forgetfulness) where you experience insensitivity to pain without the loss of consciousness.
Dr. Starr and his team want to ensure all their patients have a positive dental experience and leave with a beautiful, healthy, natural looking smile!
Beneficial for Patients Who Have:
- A low pain threshold
- Trouble sitting still in a dental chair
- Very sensitive teeth
- An overly sensitive gag reflex
- A large amount of dental work needed
- A fear of visiting the dentist
- Claustrophobia while in the dental chair
- A fear of needles (aichmophobia
- Extreme teeth sensitivity
- Decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia.
- Difficulty controlling movements.
- Special needs (including physical, cognitive
or behavioral
Dr. Starr and his team want to ensure all their patients have a positive, comfortable dental experience and leave with a healthy, beautiful smile!.